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CIPE Paris using the WD-7 Quincunx to teach SPC (www.CIPE.fr)



CIPE Paris using the CAT-100 Catapult to teach Taguchi Methods (www.cipe.fr)



Malnove Packaging Continuous Joint Process Improvement Training


SPC Press - Dr Don Wheeler and SPC Press state that they have been long time friends of Lighting Calculator. Dr. Wheeler was at the University of Tennessee when Dr. Deming transferred his profound knowledge to the university. Since then Dr. Wheeler has gone on to author several books and become one of the "profound authorities" on Dr. Deming and his philosophy. SPC provides excellent classes, consulting, and a variety of books. If you talk to Dr. Wheeler ask him about the giant Quincunx board Lightning Calculator made special for him. It is over five feet tall!


QKKarjalainen - This Finland consultant and trainer uses the Quincunx board in his training classes.


Steve Moor, Dir of Business Improvement, Wausau PaperThe Quincunx is a valuable learning tool that has been mostly overlooked in classroom settings. With a little imagination, this tool can be effectively utilized to teach many lessons in the understanding of variability and process behavior charts. See Steve's entire paper on this website under the Blog section or click here: Blog 


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